Australia is home to some sparkling rivers and oceans

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Australia is home to some sparkling rivers and oceans

Australia is home to some sparkling rivers and oceans, intriguing wildlife, impressive mountains, enchanting scenery, glittering waterfalls, and some picture perfect beaches. It is therefore not surprising at all that there are plenty of tourists in this country, who want to catch a glimpse of some Australian attractions. With the increasing number of travelers, there is also an abundance of Australian accommodation to cater to each person's budget and taste. Since there is no scarcity of Australian attractions in the country, listed below are some of the finest that this exciting country has to offer:
Sydney Opera House
Whether you are interested in theater, dance, or music, the Sydney Opera House offers them all. This is actually among Australia's leading cultural sites and it showcases hundreds of various shows all through the year. You could also attend a tour here. You would get to see several rooms of the Sydney Opera House and you might be surprised to note that there are more than 1,000 rooms in all.
Blue Mountains
This stunning natural habitat has been an Australian attraction for years. Its splendid scenery, exceptional bush-walks, countless gum trees, exciting outdoor activities and a cozy eating place make this place a perfect tourist destination. You would be able to find here some blue haze, which had given the mountains their present name, is a product of the fine oily mist exuded by eucalyptus.
Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is home to a lot of multicolored marine life and it is among the natural wonders of the whole world. It holds the biggest collection of coral reefs in the globe, with 400 different kinds of corals, 1,500 fish species, and 4,000 varieties of mollusks. It also houses over 200 bird species. The Great Barrier Reef is also listed as one of the World Heritage Sites and is a premier Australian attraction. Austraia hotels available for advance booking

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